HouseMan life….


hahaha… last skali update like sebelum HO like 2 years ago like lamanyaaaa wehhh…. haha bz bz…

So, kita buat satu post bg summarryyyy 2 tahun punya cite hehehe…

So, mcm biasa, houseman…n yg nmpak plg selebet, plg kehulur kehilir, plg zombie-like, plg white coat xwhite, plg penuh brg dlm whitecoat, plg nampak determination dia tuh, hah semua semua tuh klo nmpk kt hosp, HOUSEMAN la tuhhhh….

Posting 1 : Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Hurm… first time keje… kena byk belajar psl borangssss, botolsssss, protocolssss, geografi hosp, nama matronsss, sistersss, sn (smpai last pon xhbs hafal). time nih, doalah dpt senior yg dpt layan karenah korg yg selalu xingat jalan dlm hosp kecik (mcm den), yg dpt tolong dgn borangsss, jadualsss, and plg penting, SURVIVAL TIPSSSSSS…. disebabkan minat mmg kt o&g, so bersemangatlah sikit nk keje hihi… biasa ikut hosp msg2 ada shift ke atau x, oncall cemana. kalau kne dtg pg, pkl 6 dah tercongok dlm ward nk rv pt. kne kira berapa week, berapa day. lmp, edd bla bla bla semua la. kalau kt labour room, check la ctg (bunyi yg akan menghantui even dah blk rumah atau dah hbs posting), ve, 4 hourly rv and conduct delivery. perasaan lepas conduct delivery tuh uh maiiii.. mmg perasaan sgt puas hati lg2 tgk mak n anak sihattt… tp biasala, medicolegal yg menakutkan. kdg2, dah hbs keje, blk rumah pon terfikir2 ada ke yg termissed atau terlupa huhu.. seghiau bila fikir blk hah… Alhamdulillah, dpt hbskan posting dgn jayanya…..

Posting 2 : Medical

Siapa yg xkenal dgn busynya medical nih kan??? siap ada yg ckp, if u survive medical n o&g posting, u’ll survive ur housemanship. tp mmg btl! time medical admission mmg melampau. penah dpt kwn yg admission dekat 20 dlm satu malam from 9pm-7am. mmg giler… tp, plg byk admission anis penah dpt was jeng jeng jeng. 5!! tp xpenah xde admission la…. medical nih lg penat sbb, u kne ambik blood for the whole ward!! nsb ko la weh. slalu start ambik darah pkl 5am. darah tuh bkn kira venous je, arterial lg yg sgt mencabar utk second poster. kalau cucuk2, tetiba dpt venous n kne pujuk blk makcik pokcik utk cucuk blk, fuh, mengucap pjg dlu huhu… pg dtg rv pt biasanya lps subuh dah start dahhh. kne hafal details semua sbb ada specialist nk kita ingat history pt in and out. pastu post round order yg STATTTTT n discharge pt lg. medical ward turn over mmg rapid. so, xhbs settle discharge, admission dah byk huhu.. belum kira cpr-sssss yg kena buat, pronounce death lg…. tp medical best. MO semua baik2, slalu bg buat prosedur. kalau setakat cvl, stab pd semua mmg MO xobserve ah. pengalaman plg xleh lupa, buat pleural tap, chest tube n bmat. thanx MO baik hati bg buat prosedur under observation. Medical pon byk ajar yg kita kena tgk pt tuh dlm keadaan skarang dan masa depan. lps nih sapa nk jaga dia? makan minum, appoinment, ubat semua. kalau anak2 xnk jaga, kne carikan nursing home. semua lah kena fikir.. lg satu, sn medical mmg plg terbaik. keje tip top. melambak keje tp semua mmg akan settle n xkn kacau houseman utk benda remeh temeh. I love u la SN medical. Alhamdulillah, selamat menghabiskan posting dgn handsomenye…

Posting 3 : Surgical

Surgical department senang nk handle bila u know what to do when emergency comes. semua yg ABCD semua tuh, practice kt sini. Pt tetiba muntah darah byk2, per rectal bleeding byk2. bersepah ko dgn MO ko berlari xcukup lantai weh. Specialist yg akan dtg xkira masa kalau kena buat emergency laparotomy. psl rv pt, sama mcm dep lain tp blh la lmbt sikit sbb dah tahu nk rv pt n secara systematic. pain score slalu main thing dlm surgical nih. so, kne pandai la nk evaluate pt. best jgk bila assist specialist during surgery. sbb dieorg akan ajar. spleen, colon yg ko nmpk dlm buku, skang ko pegang dia fresh2. kalau emergency surgery, time tuh ko nmpak mcm mana emergency situation been handled. Surgical byk jgk ajar how to manage pt secara whole. bkn setakat sakit dia je. sbb biasanya pt surgical, dia akan dependent dlu dgn org lain smpai sihat. penah ada kes, pt rib fracture, kne buat spirometry exercise like 6 hourly mcm tuh. disebabkan spirometry yg hak milik ward dah bg pinjam kt pt lain, MO g beli lain utk pt lain sbb pt tuh xberkemampuan. hah, ko hado? respect MO surgical in terms of jaga pt. Alhamdulillah, lepas jgk surgical.

Posting 4 : Orthopaedics

Erm… orthopaedics eh.. to be honest, xberapa minat tp ok la. xbz dah posting nih. chill je. byk jgk belajar psl tulang nih. selalunya pt akan lama dlm ward klo yg jenis nk traction bagai tuh. kdg2, byk jgk nenek2 yg pathological fracture masuk, kne traction. slalu operation yg patah2 nih, mmg lamoooo m memenatkan. kesian la specialist or MO yg dpt houseman pompuan time op. sbb bila soh traction, mmg mcm xbergerak klo kaki pt yg berat badan dia 80-90kg. hilang napas! oh xlupa dgn diabetic foot ulcer tuh. fuh. dgn debridement, amputation. mmg bg insaf diri sekejap. slalunya, pakcik yg degil xnk mkn ubat, xnk cucuk insulin, xnk bgtau doctor yg kaki luka. sbb tuh skang mmg kne buat foot examination kt klinik kesihatan kalau dtg appointment. supaya detect awl sikit. time posting nih, bulan Ramadan n Hari Raya. so, ada jgk case budak2 main mercun meletup kt tgn sendri. kesian, baru darjah 6, jari 3 ketul dah hilang. dominant hand plak tuh,. kesian… time raya nih, Alhamdulillah, dpt cuti raya yeay!! n alhamdulillah, dpt tamatkan posting nih dgn gagahnya…

Posting 5 : Anaesthesiology

Nih posting plg best la. Time posting nih, MO dah treat u mcm u MO. dia bg u buat small2 decision after discuss dgn dieorg. mana2 yg salah, dieorg btlkan. dieorg akan tny knapa buat decision mcm tuh. dlm posting nih, chill je keje. pg msk pkl 7am blk pkl 5pm. kalau oncall, staraight 7am smpai esoknya pkl 12pm. mcm oncall MO sbb MO pon blk waktu lbh kurang. yg best, dpt opportunity utk intubate pt, psg neck line, femoral line, artline semua line la. walaupon awl2 terketar2 intubate pt depan specialist, lama2 confident tuh dtg. Time dah nk hbs posting, pt collapsed, tgh cpr, specialist soh ko intubate pt. ko rasa? grrr berpeluh weh.. dlm OT pon byk belajar mcm mana nk handle emergency situation. emergency situation tuh mcm tongkang pecah tau x. bilik kecik, tp padat semua org buat keje msg2. tahu rules msg2. mmg sgt amazing n efficient. Alhamdulillah, dikurniakan specialist2 n MO2 yg sgt sporting, baik, mengajar, blh ajak bergurau mcm kwn. Rasa mcm dewasa sikit bila dlm posting nih hihi… Alhamdulillah, lulus posting nih dgn dewasanya….

Posting 6 : Paediatric

alololo comelnyeee. nih benda first yg org akan ckp bila msk paeds ward. tp, me is so takut nk msk paeds ward sbb budak2 kecik yg xleh ckp tuh aku xtau dia nk hapeee. plus, paeds plg senang nk deteriorate. like td dia nyanyi upin ipin dgn ko, satlg ko tgk dia rapid breathing. sooooo unpredictable. risau sgt, time oncall paeds, lg risau dr oncall yg lain. percayalah. pg rv pt kne detail dr a-z blk. specialist nk tau semua psl dia. development, imm, social bla bla bla. so, clerking paeds plg sgt detail n rv pon sama. so, mmg kne dtg awl. nk ambik darah awl2 tuh mmg mcm oh mak so scaryyyyy.. lama2 dah ok. kne pandai pujuk, mata kne laser. huhu… n ko anchor branula tuh mcm kalau branula tuh keluar, it’s the end of ur life. hahaha.. bohong. ngehee…. kat nicu pon mencabar sbb u kne standby kalau baby kt labour room ada prob. keluar flat, xnangis, xgerak, hah mmg menakutkan. ko kne ada ada team yg tahu role msg2. dpt chance utk direct suction time dah nk hbs posting sbb MO kt OT kne attend baby lain, n ko ada baby flat depan ko yg dah termakan meconium. no choice, u do it la! huhu… tp semua nih, kne lulus Neonatal Resuscitation Protocol dlu, baru blh jejak NICU. kne jaga baby dlm incubator. baby plg kecik penah tgk is 600 gram!!! and baby tuh discharged as healthy as baby lain. seronok tgk. Alhamdulillah, lepas jgk posting nih dgn comelnye and habislah life sebagai houseman.

After houseman, floating as Medical MO jap sblm lapor diri tempat baru…..

Alhamdulillah, selesai 2 tahun yg menggerunkan… w/pun dah setahun berlalu, bila piker blk, seriau jugak la… xsanggup nk masuk balik hah…

Itu eh la den nk cite.. tunggu la ntah bila lg nk update blog nih.. hahaha…



Alhamdulillah, thumma Alhamdulillah…

I’ve passed my Final Professional Exam!!

which means, i’ve finally finished my MBBS…..

and my medical school!

Alhamdulillah… 🙂


I dedicate this achievement and my deepest gratitude to :


1) my dear hero, Kamaladin Samsudin for ur support, encouraging words and endless love….

2) to my beauty queen, Ashirah Ramlahfor ur love. sacrifices and all the hardwork u’ve done for me..

3) To my dearest siblings, Kamaliyana Kamaladin Samsudin, Khairul Azhar, Kamarul Anwarand MiRa KamaLia, for ur sacrifices and support….

4) to my beloved encik suami, Arshad Syahali, for ur tunjuk ajar, love, support and kesabaran to handle me when i’m stressed out..  


5) to Cucu2 Samsudin yg tlg doakan…


 6) Not to forget, to my respected lecturers, Prof Abdul Latiff, Dr Nor Shuhaila Shahril, Mr Ahmed Awil Adam, Dr Zafri Helmi, Drnoor Azizah Tahir Lubis, DrNorlehan Abdul Samad, Prof Abumuttaqin Ahmad for ur endless effort, support and encouraging words…

7) to my dearest crazy friends, Rafiq Razak,Aqilah Ilham and Najmul Aufa, for the love, craziness and experience…  


8) to my housemates, for all ur kindness and halalkan makan minum yo!

9) to all my not-so-crazy friends, for the support and friendship..  

doakan semoga anis dpt pikul amanah yg Allah bg nih dgn baik.. amin..

Finally, it is not a dream anymore.. it is my achievement… Alhamdulillah….

what should i do now?


plz doakan k… 🙂

Discussion, diskusi…

skang kn dah final year…

so, ada 2 exam BESARRRRR….

professional xm part 1 and 2…

part 1 bulan January…

part 2 bulan July in sha Allah…

so, skang slalu kena curi masa, korban masa time malam utk discuss..

skang dok discuss psl paeds (kanak2)…


kwn2 discuss kita adalah qlah yg busuk n dhurga.. 🙂

buat notes pkai mind map…

application MindMaple…

mmg best… cuba try!

senang, cpt, cantik, kemas!

sesuai la klo nk buat notes medic yg sgt byk nih.. huhu~

so, jom jadi rajin! 🙂

Ovari dan wanita

Ovary adalah perkakas penting dalam peranakan wanita. Ia mempunyai dua tugas penting;

1. Mengeluarkan telor/benih setiap bulan untuk kesuburan wanita.

2. Mengeluarkan hormon hormon ‘estrogen’ dan ‘progesterone’ yang penting untuk sifat sifat kewanitaan, kejelitaan dan kegharaihan seks. 

Berbagai penyakit boleh menimpa kilang ovary, kebanyakkan adalah ‘Cyst’ yang biasanya mengandungi air, lendir, darah kotor atau lemak. Dalam ‘Dermoid cyst’ diantara kandungan yang aneh ialah rambut, cartilage, gigi dan tulang.

Ada ‘cyst’ yang wujud secara sementara sahaja seperti ‘follicular cyst’ yang mengandungi air atau  ‘Corpus Luteal Cyst’ yang sering mengiringi peringkat awal kehamilan dan mengandungi darah dan lendir. Cyst tersebut biasanya tidak perlu dibedah dan boleh pecah secara spontan dan cecair diserap oleh badan.

Ketumbuhan atau ‘Tumour’ pada ovary merangkumi yang ‘benign’ atau bukan kanser dan yang ‘malignant’ iaitu jenis kanser.


1.    Banyak kali ‘cyst’ dan ‘tumour’ pada kilang ovary dijumpai secara kebetulan, ketika wanita berkenaan sedang menjalani pemeriksaan untuk tujuan lain. Tidak ada tanda dirasai.

2.    Gangguan dalam pusingan haid saperti lambat atau tidak datang pada waktu yang di jangkakan, haid tidak teratur saperti diluar waktu haid atau ia datang sedikit sedikit tetapi berpanjangan.

3.    Mandul atau kurang subur atau berulang kali gugur.

4.    Sakit senggugut, sakit waktu persetubuhan atau sakit perut tanpa mengira masa.

5.    Perut membesar tanpa hamil.

6.    Putus haid pada umur yang muda (Premature menopause)

7.    Gangguan kencing atau air besar.

8.    Dalam kes kanser ovary diperingkat lambat – hilang selera makan, susut berat badan, perut kembung, sakit pinggang dan letih lesu.


Wanita yang berisiko tinggi untuk mendapat kanser ovari perlu mengambil langkah-langkah pencegahan yang sepatutnya. Memang sukar untuk mengesan peringkat awal Kanser Ovari.Satu-satunya cara untuk mengesan kanser adalah melalui pemeriksaan mikroskopik.

Kanser Ovari boleh diwarisi secara keturunan. Selalunya wanita yang  mempunyai sejarah ahli keluarga menghidap Kanser Payudara atau Kanser Ovari mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk menghidapnya. Wanita yang mengambil ubat kesuburan juga dikatakan berisiko tinggi daripada mereka yang tidak mengambilnya.

Faktor lain yang menyumbang kepada mendapat penyakit ini termasuklah obesiti, usia dan diet pemakanan yang buruk. Kanser Ovari selalunya berlaku pada wanita yang menopous tetapi wanita lain juga berisiko.

Brain Test


Count every ‘ F ‘ in the following text:



WRONG, THERE ARE 6 — no joke. 


Really, go back and try to find the 6 F’s before you scroll down. 

The reasoning behind is further down.

The brain cannot process ‘OF’.

Incredible or what? Go back and look again!! Anyone who sees all six the first time is a genious!

Three is normal, four is quite rare.


Try to read this!

O lny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty  uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig  to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,

it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey  lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas  tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Because of you~

Because of You…

-by Rebekah Gibbs-


a book worth more than RM5… 🙂

such a well written, heart-felt, full of love, story…

women is a fighter!

cerita psl a women, fighting with her 3rd stage breast cancer (end stage)…..

first felt the lump on her breast when she is pregnant 7 months…

cerita bertambah best, bila Gigi, her newly-born-daughter, gave so much inspiration to her (besides her fiancee,Ash)

it’s all about fighting and surviving!

worth reading!

-sgt sgt sgt best… sila baca!-

Obesity and Diseases~

Salam… harituh tlg mak buat assignment.. so, copy paste je la.. 😛

Brain and heart : Obesity is associated with increase in bad cholesterol. Disposition of fat (consist of cholesterol and fat), which we call plaque, at the wall of the vessels, decrease the blood flow to and from the heart. Eventually, patient will have high blood pressure or hypertension. This plaque that increasing in size, will block the vessels and leads to heart attack. This plaque also can develops in the brain’s blood vessels and cause stroke.

Varicose vein (leg) : Veins have valves. This valves functions as ‘door’ to avoid backflow of blood. Things that put pressure on leg, such as overweight, will cause poorly functioning valve.

Liver : Fat usually accumulates at under skin and liver. Normal fat accumulation would not cause medical problems. People with excessive fat in the liver, will have fatty liver. The liver may become enlarge and eventually, makes the liver develops scar tissue. It is called liver cirrhosis.

Kidney : Obesity increases renal excretion of calcium and uric acid, as well as urine acidity, and this in turn increases the risk of stone formation. High blood pressure makes the heart works harder. Blood vessels in the kidney, which is very small, can be damage and cause end stage renal disease. This will makes the kidney cannot remove extra fluids and waste from the body and eventually make the blood pressure even higher.

Gallbladder : Majority gallstone are consist of cholesterol. Stone occurs because bile contains too much cholesterol and not enough bile salts. One of the risk factors is obesity which have increase level of cholesterol. The presence of gallstone increases the risk to develops gallbladder cancer.

Ovaries : Girls who is overweight, might have elevated testosterone (male hormone) levels in the bloods. Increase in testosterone may interfere in ovulation (egg release from the ovaries) and may develops male features (excessive hair growth and male-baldness). This also may leads to fertility.

Pancreas : Excessive body fat, make the insulin less effective for getting glucose into the cells. It makes the body needs more insulin to maintain normal blood sugar.  This makes the patient develops insulin resistance or Diabetes (high blood sugar)

Breast : Fat tissue will secretes oestrogen, which is the main cause of breast cancer.

Joint : Tear of the joint can leads to inflammation which can cause arthritis especially at ankles, hips and knees. This happens due to carrying extra weight.

Windpipe (snoring) : Obesity people also have fat accumulation at the neck and throat area. This will makes the muscle surrounding the windpipe to be displaced. The windpipe becomes narrower and creating the sounds of snoring while sleeping.

Armpit (sweating) : Obesity people have large body surface area. So, obesity people usually have more sweat glands, thus leads to more sweating. Increase in body works or activity also leads to excessive sweating in obesity people.





No. 1: Unexplained Weight Loss

Many women would be delighted to lose weight without trying. But unexplained weight loss — say 10 pounds in a month without an increase in exercise or a decrease in food intake — should be checked out, Mishori says.
“Unexplained weight loss is cancer unless proven not,” she says. It could, of course, turn out to be another condition, such as an overactive thyroid.
Expect your doctor to run tests to check the thyroid and perhaps order a CT scan of different organs. The doctor needs to “rule out the possibilities, one by one,” Mishori says.

No. 2: Bloating

Bloating is so common that many women just live with it. But it could point to ovarian cancer. Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include abdominal pain or pelvic pain, feeling full quickly — even when you haven’t eaten much — and urinary problems, such as having an urgent need to go to the bathroom.
If the bloating occurs almost every day and persists for more than a few weeks, you should consult your physician. Expect your doctor to take a careful history and order a CT scan and blood tests, among others.

No. 3: Breast Changes

Most women know their breasts well, even if they don’t do regular self-exams, and know to be on the lookout for lumps. But that’s not the only breast symptom that could point to cancer. Redness and thickening of the skin on the breast, which could indicate a very rare but aggressive form of breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer, also needs to be examined, Linden says. “If you have a rash that persists over weeks, you have to get it evaluated,” she says.
Likewise, if the look of a nipple changes, or if you notice discharge (and aren’t breastfeeding), see your doctor. “If it’s outgoing normally and turns in,” she says, that’s not a good sign. “If your nipples are inverted chronically, no big deal.” It’s the change in appearance that could be a worrisome symptom.
If you have breast changes, expect your doctor to take a careful history, examine the breast, and order tests such as a mammogram, ultrasound, MRI, and perhaps a biopsy.

No. 4: Between-Period Bleeding or Other Unusual Bleeding

”Premenopausal women tend to ignore between-period bleeding,” Daly says. They also tend to ignore bleeding from the GI tract, mistakenly thinking it is from their period. But between-period bleeding, especially if you are typically regular, bears checking out, she says. So does bleeding after menopause, as it could be a symptom of endometrial cancer. GI bleeding could be a symptom of colorectal cancer.
Think about what’s normal for you, says Debbie Saslow, PhD, director of breast and gynecologic cancer at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta . “If a woman never spots [between periods] and she spots, it’s abnormal for her. For someone else, it might not be.”
“Endometrial cancer is a common gynecologic cancer,” Saslow says. “At least three-quarters who get it have some abnormal bleeding as an early sign.”
Your doctor will take a careful history and, depending on the timing of the bleeding and other symptoms, probably order an ultrasound or biopsy.

No. 5: Skin Changes

Most of us know to look for any changes in moles — a well-known sign of skin cancer. But we should also watch for changes in skin pigmentation, Daly says.
If you suddenly develop bleeding on your skin or excessive scaling, that should be checked, too, she says. It’s difficult to say how long is too long to observe skin changes before you go to the doctor, but most experts say not longer than several weeks.

No. 6: Difficulty Swallowing

If you have difficulty swallowing, you may have already changed your diet so chewing isn’t so difficult, perhaps turning to soups or liquid foods such as protein shakes.
But that difficulty could be a sign of a GI cancer, such as in the esophagus, says Leonard Lichtenfeld, MD, deputy chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society.

No. 7: Blood in the Wrong Place

If you notice blood in your urine or your stool, don’t assume it’s from a hemorrhoid, says Mishori. “It could be colon cancer.”
Expect your doctor to ask questions and perhaps order testing such as a colonoscopy, an exam of the colon to look for cancer.
Seeing blood in the toilet bowl may actually be from the vagina if a woman is menstruating, Mishori says. But if not, it should be checked to rule out bladder or kidney cancer, she says.
Coughing up blood should be evaluated, too. One occasion of blood in the wrong place may not point to anything, Mishori says, but if it happens more than once, go see your doctor.

No. 8: Gnawing Abdominal Pain and Depression

Any woman who’s got a pain in the abdomen and is feeling depressed needs a checkup, says Lichtenfeld. Some researchers have found a link between depression and pancreatic cancer, but it’s a poorly understood connection.

No. 9: Indigestion

Women who have been pregnant may remember the indigestion that occurred as they gained weight. But indigestion for no apparent reason may be a red flag.
It could be an early clue to cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or throat.
Expect your doctor to take a careful history and ask questions about the indigestion before deciding which tests to order, if any.

No. 10: Mouth Changes

Smokers should be especially alert for any white patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue, according to the American Cancer Society. Both can point to a precancerous condition called leukoplakia that can progress to oral cancer.
Ask your dentist or doctor to take a look and decide what should be done next.

No. 11: Pain

As people age they seem to complain more of various aches and pains, but pain, as vague as it may be, can also be an early symptom of some cancers, although most pain complaints are not from cancer.
Pain that persists and is unexplained needs to be checked out. Expect your physician to take a careful history, and based on that information decide what further testing, if any, is needed.

No. 12: Changes in the Lymph Nodes

If you notice a lump or swelling in the lymph nodes under your armpit or in your neck — or anywhere else — it could be worrisome, Linden says.
“If you have a lymph node that gets progressively larger, and it’s [been] longer than a month, see a doctor,” she says. Your doctor will examine you and figure out any associated issues (such as infection) that could explain the lymph node enlargement.
If there are none, your doctor will typically order a biopsy.
Expect your doctor to take a careful history and order tests such as a chest X-ray or exams of the GI tract.

No. 13: Fever

If you have a fever that isn’t explained by influenza or other infection, it could point to cancer. Fevers more often occur after cancer has spread from its original site, but it can also point to early blood cancers such as leukemia or lymphoma, according to the American Cancer Society.
Other cancer symptoms can include jaundice, or a change in the color of your stool.
Expect your doctor to conduct a careful physical exam and take a medical history, and then order tests such as a chest X-ray, CT scan, MRI, or other tests, depending on the findings.

No. 14: Fatigue

Fatigue is another vague symptom that could point to cancer — as well as a host of other problems. It can set in after the cancer has grown, but it may also occur early in certain cancers, such as leukemia or with some colon or stomach cancers, according to the American Cancer Society.

No. 15: Persistent Cough

Coughs are expected with colds, the flu, allergies, and sometimes are a side effect of medications. But a very prolonged cough — defined as lasting more than three or four weeks — should not be ignored, Mishori says.
You would expect your doctor to take a careful history, examine your throat, check out your lung functioning and perhaps order X-rays, especially if you are a smoker.


so, be aware women!

Strange Phenomena of the Mind

DĂ©jĂ  Vu – the experience of being certain that you have experienced or seen a new situation previously – you feel as though the event has already happened or is repeating itself. The experience is usually accompanied by a strong sense of familiarity and a sense of eeriness, strangeness, or weirdness. The “previous” experience is usually attributed to a dream, but sometimes there is a firm sense that it has truly occurred in the past.

DĂ©jĂ  VĂ©cu – is what most people are experiencing when they think they are experiencing deja vu. DĂ©jĂ  vu is the sense of having seen something before, whereas dĂ©jĂ  vĂ©cu is the experience of having seen an event before, but in great detail – such as recognizing smells and sounds. This is also usually accompanied by a very strong feeling of knowing what is going to come next.

DĂ©jĂ  Visité –  a less common experience and it involves an uncanny knowledge of a new place. For example, you may know your way around a a new town or a landscape despite having never been there, and knowing that it is impossible for you to have this knowledge. DĂ©jĂ  visitĂ© is about spatial and geographical relationships, while dĂ©jĂ  vĂ©cu is about temporal occurrences. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about an experience of this in his book “Our Old Home” in which he visited a ruined castle and had a full knowledge of its layout. He was later able to trace the experience to a poem he had read many years early by Alexander Pope in which the castle was accurately described.

DĂ©jĂ  Senti – DĂ©jĂ  senti is the phenomenon of having “already felt” something. This is exclusively a mental phenomenon and seldom remains in your memory afterwards. In the words of a person having experienced it: “What is occupying the attention is what has occupied it before, and indeed has been familiar, but has been forgotten for a time, and now is recovered with a slight sense of satisfaction as if it had been sought for. The recollection is always started by another person’s voice, or by my own verbalized thought, or by what I am reading and mentally verbalize; and I think that during the abnormal state I generally verbalize some such phrase of simple recognition as ‘Oh yes—I see’, ‘Of course—I remember’, etc., but a minute or two later I can recollect neither the words nor the verbalized thought which gave rise to the recollection. I only find strongly that they resemble what I have felt before under similar abnormal conditions.”

Jamais Vu – Jamais vu (never seen) describes a familiar situation which is not recognized. It is often considered to be the opposite of dĂ©jĂ  vu and it involves a sense of eeriness. The observer does not recognize the situation despite knowing rationally that they have been there before. It is commonly explained as when a person momentarily doesn’t recognize a person, word, or place that they know. Chris Moulin, of Leeds University, asked 92 volunteers to write out “door” 30 times in 60 seconds. He reported that 68 per cent of his guinea pigs showed symptoms of jamais vu, such as beginning to doubt that “door” was a real word. This has lead him to believe that jamais vu may be a symptom of brain fatigue.

Presque Vu – Presque vu is very similar to the “tip of the tongue” sensation – it is the strong feeling that you are about to experience an epiphany – though the epiphany seldom comes. The term “presque vu” means “almost seen”. The sensation of presque vu can be very disorienting and distracting.



mesti ramai org penah alami deja vu kan? kan?
