


Spring is alive and well here in the Buckeye state.  Signs of nature’s renewal remind us that we too can change and once again glow.  Just as nature cycles on a yearly basis, we consistently change and evolve.  Bad habits can be shed like trees in autumn and be replaced with beautiful buds in early spring. New thoughts can be planted and nurtured until they grow into magnificent and vibrant flowers.  This process is not an easy one but can be softened and aided just like April rains when you surround yourself with  helpful and nurturing people.  On your next walk or dive, be reminded when you see a beautiful new bud or a vibrant wildflower, that you too can burst from your ugly habits and be transformed into a radiant symbol of hope.

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budak besar!

PERASAN saya dah jadi budak BESAR bila :

1) pilihan kena buat sendri…

contoh, nk beli baju, dlu, tny mak je… skang kne pilih sendri.. it’s ur choice… susah woo buat keputusan tuh…

2) kalau mak atau atta ada nk pilih brg ke, nk buat keputusan pape ke, mesti tny anis…

contoh, if bincang psl pelajaran adik atau behaviour adik ke apa ke, semua bicang dgn anis n anis jd org tgh.. mmg tuh peranan anak sulung ek?

3) mak beriya2 kejut pagi2 time weekend, suruh buat keje rumah n masak… oh, sudah sgt besarkah sampai kena bljr msk???

4) bila mak start cari menantu utk dia.. erghhhh….

5) dah boleh ckp psl politik n layak mengundi!


Ovari dan wanita

Ovary adalah perkakas penting dalam peranakan wanita. Ia mempunyai dua tugas penting;

1. Mengeluarkan telor/benih setiap bulan untuk kesuburan wanita.

2. Mengeluarkan hormon hormon ‘estrogen’ dan ‘progesterone’ yang penting untuk sifat sifat kewanitaan, kejelitaan dan kegharaihan seks. 

Berbagai penyakit boleh menimpa kilang ovary, kebanyakkan adalah ‘Cyst’ yang biasanya mengandungi air, lendir, darah kotor atau lemak. Dalam ‘Dermoid cyst’ diantara kandungan yang aneh ialah rambut, cartilage, gigi dan tulang.

Ada ‘cyst’ yang wujud secara sementara sahaja seperti ‘follicular cyst’ yang mengandungi air atau  ‘Corpus Luteal Cyst’ yang sering mengiringi peringkat awal kehamilan dan mengandungi darah dan lendir. Cyst tersebut biasanya tidak perlu dibedah dan boleh pecah secara spontan dan cecair diserap oleh badan.

Ketumbuhan atau ‘Tumour’ pada ovary merangkumi yang ‘benign’ atau bukan kanser dan yang ‘malignant’ iaitu jenis kanser.


1.    Banyak kali ‘cyst’ dan ‘tumour’ pada kilang ovary dijumpai secara kebetulan, ketika wanita berkenaan sedang menjalani pemeriksaan untuk tujuan lain. Tidak ada tanda dirasai.

2.    Gangguan dalam pusingan haid saperti lambat atau tidak datang pada waktu yang di jangkakan, haid tidak teratur saperti diluar waktu haid atau ia datang sedikit sedikit tetapi berpanjangan.

3.    Mandul atau kurang subur atau berulang kali gugur.

4.    Sakit senggugut, sakit waktu persetubuhan atau sakit perut tanpa mengira masa.

5.    Perut membesar tanpa hamil.

6.    Putus haid pada umur yang muda (Premature menopause)

7.    Gangguan kencing atau air besar.

8.    Dalam kes kanser ovary diperingkat lambat – hilang selera makan, susut berat badan, perut kembung, sakit pinggang dan letih lesu.


Wanita yang berisiko tinggi untuk mendapat kanser ovari perlu mengambil langkah-langkah pencegahan yang sepatutnya. Memang sukar untuk mengesan peringkat awal Kanser Ovari.Satu-satunya cara untuk mengesan kanser adalah melalui pemeriksaan mikroskopik.

Kanser Ovari boleh diwarisi secara keturunan. Selalunya wanita yang  mempunyai sejarah ahli keluarga menghidap Kanser Payudara atau Kanser Ovari mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk menghidapnya. Wanita yang mengambil ubat kesuburan juga dikatakan berisiko tinggi daripada mereka yang tidak mengambilnya.

Faktor lain yang menyumbang kepada mendapat penyakit ini termasuklah obesiti, usia dan diet pemakanan yang buruk. Kanser Ovari selalunya berlaku pada wanita yang menopous tetapi wanita lain juga berisiko.

Brain Test


Count every ‘ F ‘ in the following text:



WRONG, THERE ARE 6 — no joke. 


Really, go back and try to find the 6 F’s before you scroll down. 

The reasoning behind is further down.

The brain cannot process ‘OF’.

Incredible or what? Go back and look again!! Anyone who sees all six the first time is a genious!

Three is normal, four is quite rare.


Try to read this!

O lny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty  uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig  to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,

it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey  lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas  tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


salam! wazzup??


harinih nk cerita psl perfect (sempurna)…


nak cari kwn yg perfect itu dan ini tuh susah..


sbb nobody perfect kan?

diri sendri xperfect, ada hati nk cr yg perfect, pigi dah!


kalau dgn kwn A dpt terlalu byk kasih syg yg xternilai dan overproctective, tp, dgn dia kita xdpt blajar independent….

kalau dgn kwn B dpt terlalu byk kebaikan dan kwn yg membawa ke jalan yg benar, tp, dgn dia xdpt kasih syg….

kalau dgn kwn C, dpt byk kasih syg n kebaikan, tp, dia xdpt terima kita seadanya dgn baik dan buruk, pon susah jgk….

nak kwn A+B+C blh x? tp, sapa?

tp, saya ada kwn yg sgt sgt sgt memahami sy.. in and out….

dpt byk kasih syg…. x overprotective sgt…. slalu buat baik (ada jgk nakal!)…

n dia terima baik & buruk, perangai ntah pape anis…

xpenah complain tentang perangai anis… 

w/pun anis tau, betapa bengangnya dia kalau borak dgn anis, dgn unresponsivenye kekdg…dgn xfahamnya…

still bertahan after sooooo many yearssss…

itulah chingu sebenar saya!



so, cukuplah sorg tuh yg mencomplete-kan me dan stay by my side…

really appreciate you! 

my Daemon.. 🙂

w/pun, xde la contact  everyday… xde la borak everyday… kekdg dia call pon, xtahu nk ckp apa….

setahun jumpa 3 kali pon susah (my fault!)

tp, i know, sejauh mana pon anis pergi, selama mana pon xcontact, selama mana pon xjumpa, you will always there for me.. 


anis pon ada lg sorg kwn…

she showers me with so much love and happiness..

yg kenal me in and out…

yg terima perangai ntah pape anis nih..

yg sama2 gila mcm anis….


byk hobby yg sama…

yg akan sokong hobby anis jgk even dia xde la gemar sgt…

the best thing is,

i will know the sadness behind her smile…

hah! smpai mcm tuh skali!

syg kamu sgt2.. sarangheyo!

Perfect moment

so kwn2, sila hargai kwn2 anda selagi mereka di sisi…

kang msg2 da kawin, beranak-pinak, xsempat nk jumpa etc etc, time tuh br nk rindu n appreciate, susah gak.. 🙂

anis sdg cuba utk menghargai, w/pun xnmpak sgt sbb xgeti sgt!!!

plz, help me!

last skali nk kongsi words nih yg sgt best (w/pun ada poyo sikit)

i-may-not-be-perfect (1)




After the positive reception from last year’s Top 50 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2011, the Sifter promised to highlight the top 25 ‘Pictures of the Day‘ at the end of every quarter, eventually culminating in an epic Top 100 for 2012.

That time has come! Below are the top 100 POTDs for 2012. I can’t thank you enough for taking the time out of your day to check out the site. May you continue to be inspired, educated and entertained by our beautiful planet and all that inhabit it.

*Please note the photographs themselves were not necessarily taken in 2012, they just happened to be featured as a POTD this year. The pictures are also listed in reverse chronological order. There is no ranking amongst the photos 🙂

Enjoy! And stay Sifty my friends



Chicago Skyline

Photograph by Robert Elves…

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Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before.

Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well.







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20. Separate egg yolks like a boss

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By Internet standards, a perfectly timed photo occurs when two of the following three conditions are met:

1. Perfect Place
2. Perfect Time
3. Perfect Angle

Sometimes the holy trinity of perfectness is achieved and you get an Internet classic like so many of the photographs below. There are countless galleries of these images floating around. I tried my best to compile the most representative of this concept. If you’re craving more, the following links are a good start: r/PerfectTiming on Reddit; Bored Panda (here, here and here); BuzzFeed (here and here)








lightning strikes statue of liberty perfect timing

Photograph by JAY FINE (via The Big Picture)




diver whale high five perfect timing

Photograph by MARCO QUERAL (via Daily Mail)




just a pinch buddah perfect timing

Photograph via Former_Manc on Reddit




seagull takes ice cream perfect timing

Photograph by Jörn Kessels | Foto…

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